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Everyone who would like to make a difference, including direct contact with today’s most intriguing documentary filmmakers, and opportunities for special access to film-related events, will want to join the FiReFilms Membership. Join for just $195.
FiReFilms Member Benefits:
As a FiReFilms member, you will be invited to:
Participate in the FiReFilms’ Meet the Director quarterly call series: Each quarter, we will select 1 documentary film and host a 30-minute interactive video discussion with its director, followed by a 10-minute Q&A. The Q&A will be hosted by a topic-specific expert from the SNS membership, and will address questions submitted by you and other FiReFilms members and selected in advance. You will receive links to films and/or trailers 2 weeks in advance.
Attend the FiReFilms Team Private Discussion with filmmakers, investors, and corporate partners, addressing topical current films
Join the FiReFilms Breakout/Brainstorm Session addressing documentaries explored in the FiReFilms plenary panel, including discussion of critical topics for potential documentary films
Receive notifications about upcoming FiReFilms-supported screenings and film updates.
Receive periodic passworded links to complimentary “Bonus Films” selected because we believe you’ll find them valuable.