Long Gone Wild
Long Gone Wild focuses on the plight of captive orcas, picking up where the acclaimed documentary Blackfish left off, while telling a uniquely new and different story…
The film centers on five primary areas: (1) The Blackfish Effect: what it did and didn’t accomplish (i.e., SeaWorld took a major hit to its bottom line, but the 20 orcas are still there); (2) The case against captivity (orcas are forced to live in barren concrete tanks); (3) Orcas as sentient animals (their great capacity to think, feel, communicate, and empathize); (4) The Whale Sanctuary Project and its model seaside sanctuary for retired orcas – providing a safe, permanent home in their natural habitat; and (5) The ominous threat to orcas posed by Russia and China, triggered by the explosive growth of mega-aquariums in China.
This compelling story is told via arresting visuals, a memorable sound track, and interviews with the leading experts in the field: Dr. Naomi Rose (Animal Welfare Institute); Dr. Lori Marino and Charles Vinick (The Whale Sanctuary Project); Dr. Ingrid Visser (internationally renowned orca expert); Carol Ray and Jeffrey Ventre (former SeaWorld Trainers); Jeffrey Foster (a NOAA Environmental Hero of the Year) and conservationist Katy Laveck Foster; authors David Kirby (Death at SeaWorld) and David Neiwert (Of Orcas and Men); Steven Wise (president, Nonhuman Rights Project, and star of the Emmy-nominated documentary Unlocking the Cage); Dr. Terry Kupers (forensic psychiatrist / expert on solitary confinement); OSHA attorney Joe Woodward; Rachel Carbary (founder, “Empty the Tanks”) and Carly Ferguson (president, Ontario Captive Animal Watch); Assemblyman Richard Bloom (author of the landmark California Orca Protection Act) and Florida State Rep. Jared Moskowitz (pushing his own orca protection bill); Stephen Wells (executive director, Animal Legal Defense Fund); and Ric O’Barry (founder, Dolphin Project, and star of the Oscar-winning documentary The Cove).